26 organizations tell US to stop arming human rights abusers

The Arab Spring brought the United States’ long history of selling weapons to human rights abusers into stark relief. Protesters in Egypt pointed out tear gas canisters bearing “made [...]

You vs. the NRA

There are 875 million guns in the world, and almost 2 bullets for every person on this planet. Apparently that’s not enough for the NRA and their right wing allies. They are working hard to [...]

Repression: made in America

It’s painfully obvious. If a government is imprisoning, torturing, and killing protesters, American weapons should never reach their hands. Then why is the administration doing a runaround [...]

What you can do to help end the bloodshed in Libya

It’s time for bolder international action. Military jets, helicopter gunships, and mercenaries with machine guns are indiscriminately attacking unarmed demonstrators while heads of state just [...]