Looking for something to do this weekend?

 In anti-nuclear movement, Bush Administration, Cheney, diplomacy, government contracts, Hiroshima, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, military, movies, Nagasaki, Nuclear Weapons, Peace Action, Senate, War

Couple of things:

The anniversaries of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are August 6th and 9th respectively. I suggest if you cannot find an event in your area you take a moment this weekend to think of the destruction Bush could cause if he tries to start a nuclear war with Iran.

Also, here’s a peacefully minded movie (for those without AC in their homes). I’m always down for the free AC at the theater.

The film NO END IN SIGHT: The American Occupation of Iraq – The Inside Story from the Ultimate Insiders only opened here and in DC (E Street Cinema, 555 11th Street NW,.entrance on E Street between 10th and 11th Street. (202) 452-767, showings at 2:20 5:05 7:30 10:00) this weekend. This Friday it opens in five theatres in LA. The next week (8./10) it goes to one theatre each in SF, Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, Philly, Seattle, and Dallas. Then Michigan and, Missouri, and Houston; Boston; Indianapolis, Austin, Santa Fe; Denver and Hartford; Colorado and CT, and so forth, through October. My hunch is the best thing we can do now is trek into the city to see it, so it has a big opening here in NYC. If it does well, we might be able to get it more local theaters.

I just watched the riveting trailer at the film web site, which has a ton of other great features including live clips, reviews, synopsis, etc. http://www.noendinsightmovie.com/

This film won the Special Jury Prize for Documentary at Sundance this year, its a Silvedocs selection, and the reviews are astoundingly good. The list of high-ranking people interviewed in this film is incredible:

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  • Peter Attwood

    You may find some use for my August 6th blog entry on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in relation to the Christian Feast of the Transfiguration (August 6th), the day they chose to do this .

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