No payoffs to nuclear hawks

 In Nuclear Weapons

Chief of Staff Debbie Curtis accepts an award on behalf of Rep. Stark at the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability's DC Days ceremony. Peace Action West Executive Director Jon Rainwater presents the award for Rep. Stark's work to change nuclear weapons policy.

The nuclear weapons hawks are at it again and it’s up to us to stop them.

Through their intense lobbying campaign, hawks in Congress and the nuclear weapons labs got a whopping $7 billion for nuclear weapons programs in next year’s proposed budget. Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) is leading the fight to strip the money out, and he needs your help. Can you click here to send your representative a message?

This budget green lights massive spending on new nuclear weapons infrastructure we don’t need. It’s pork that funds two new facilities that would cost taxpayers more than $6 billion and would actually allow the US to ramp up production of new nuclear weapons in the future.

It’s outrageous, unnecessary, and a waste of money.

We need a budget that moves us toward the elimination of nuclear weapons. Ask your representative today to sign on to Rep. Stark’s letter to the heads of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee opposing nuclear weapons pork, and supporting programs that keep our promise to the world to reduce our nuclear arsenal.

Rep. Pete Stark, one of a small group of incumbents who has earned Peace Action West’s endorsement in 2010, is a testament to the difference it makes to have outspoken progressives who are willing to raise their voices and take action. Rep. Stark is one of the few people in Congress taking a stand against this bloated budget, and with enough support, his letter to the Energy and Water subcommittee will shine a spotlight on the people with the power to stop this wasteful spending.

We need more representatives to stand up. Please ask your representative to sign Rep. Stark’s letter today.

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  • Renee Locks

    I am almost 77 years old and have been working for the survival of this plant for the children and their children and on. More nuclear weapons does absolutely nothing to make us more safe. Please let us stop making any more.

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