Call now for diplomacy with Iran

 In Action Alert, Iran

What do Pat Buchanan, former Cent Comm commander General Jim Mattis, and Peace Action West have in common?

We all know that we must seize the moment for diplomacy with Iran.

Please call your senators at (202) 224-3121 today and urge them to sign Sen. Feinstein’s letter supporting diplomacy with Iran. Then click here to report your call.

The consensus for diplomacy is growing. We had unprecedented success with the House letter signed by 131 representatives. The new Iranian president is sending positive signals, including nominating a foreign minister with strong connections to the US. Now we need to show that the momentum is unstoppable.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is circulating a new letter to show that the Senate is also on board with diplomacy. We caught our opponents off-guard with our success in the House, but they’re ready to push back now.

Call your senators at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to sign Sen. Feinstein’s letter supporting diplomacy with Iran. The deadline is tomorrow, so we need your calls now.   Click here to let me know how your call went.

You’ve been hearing from us a lot about Iran lately—and that’s a good thing. We’re on the cusp of the most progress we’ve seen in years, but our success will depend on you raising your voices.

Thank you.

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Showing 2 comments
  • Alan Stein

    We should certainly try to continue with diplomacy with Iran’s nuclear weapons program a while longer, but we should be under no illusions about there being much chance it will work and we should be aware that there’s no chance it will work unless Iran is made to realize that it will face unacceptable consequences if it doesn’t send its drive to obtain nuclear weapons.

    • Rebecca Griffin

      Alan, I have to disagree with you that threats are the most effective way to resolve tensions with Iran. There have been plenty of threats over the last several years, with no positive results. I think we can all understand the basic diplomatic concepts as they play out in our daily lives- people respond to incentives, and to deals that seems fair and mutually beneficial, and there are ways to get there with Iran. I recommend this article, which contains some good ideas to start:

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